Audrey Ward, Owner & Operator
Hi Fellow Jeepers!
I'm Audrey, a retired RN of 30 years turned off road enthusiast, professional painter, and business owner! I bought my first Jeep in 2020 when I moved from the mountains of VT to the beaches of SC and was frustrated by the lack of colored trim options available.
It led me to find a niche that allows me to run a business while road tripping, camping, and exploring with my two pups Lucy and Totcho and my cat Bohdi. Best of all I get to meet lots of really awesome people that share my passion for Jeeping!

Journey to Color My Jeep
Have you ever said to yourself or someone else "I'll never do ... or I'd never try ..."? Has the thought of doing something new and different seemed exciting but anxiety provoking at the same time?
Have you ever been pressed by life to shift directions unexpectedly and have no idea where to go/what to do next? I have, many times and in this blog you'll learn how obstacles and thoughts of "never" became opportunities and new ventures; my journey to Color My Jeep!
December, 2020

Brand Launch
Inspired by painting my own Jeep trim on the kitchen floor to get the perfect Bikini teal that I couldn't find anywhere else! Established a "paint shop" in my garage.
First Major Sale
April 2021

First Major Sale
The brand sees its first major sales from a customer in Missouri who has gone on to place over a dozen orders. Paint shop transitioned to a loft space in a warehouse.
October 2021

Expansion of Product Line
In response to customer demand, the brand expands its products, colors, and reach by vending at its inaugural Jeep event, the Myrtle Beach Jeep Jam.
Brand Update
June 2022

Branding, Logo & Shop Updates
Converted to a professional brand and logo, began the trademarking process and expanded the paint shop to a 1200SF warehouse location.
Became a National Brand
September 2023

Expansion Nationwide
Achieved the goal of having a sale to every state in the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Expansion Worldwide
May 2024

International Sales
Celebrated the milestone of international expansion with sales to Canada, Mexico, Japan, Kuwait, and more!
Vending at a Jeep Event Near You!
Come Out and See Us!